Transaction Systems Discusses Digitalization and Android POS terminals in SmartCard 2018

The company’s executive presentations focused on the way digitalization holds the key to the branch of the future and the new, innovative value-added services over PAX Android POS Terminals

Transaction Systems (TRSYS) was the Gold Sponsor in Croatia’s largest financial technologies conference and exhibition, which took place in the beautiful Adriatic coast town of Opatija, between September 24 and September 26. The company showcased the new PAX Technology’s Android POS terminals along with the new E-series (Android Electronic Cash Registers with integrated card payment acceptance in the conference stand; TRSYS executives were among the speakers of the conference, discussing topics such as digitalization of the bank branches and the new, innovative, value-added solutions on PAX Technology Android POS terminals.

Presenting on “Digitalization inside and outside the branch”, Transaction Systems’ International Business Managing Director, Panagiotis Chalkias, presented how, in order to gain a competitive advantage in a post-financial crisis era, banks need to rely more on the less-expensive digital channels. In his view, technology has several goals for retail banks: the migration of transactions and sales to digital channels, 24/7 customer access for every interaction, a personalized approach to sales, and a unified, omnichannel user experience inside and outside the branch.

During an exclusive workshop, Miha Culiberg, Regional Director of Transaction Systems along with Antun Portner, Business Development Manager of Combis, the company’s Croatian partner, demonstrated innovative solutions running on the new PAX Android POS terminals. New applications, available for download in PAX Store – the PAX Technology POS Management Platform- transform the payment terminal into a powerful network endpoint that can help merchants, telco providers, and banks attract consumers, and enhance their revenue streams. These multi-application environments of the new Android POS terminals provide a window of opportunity for the development of payment, payment-related, and value-added applications geared toward meeting the needs of merchants across all vertical segments.

For the 19th consecutive year, the SmartCard Conference has provided delegates from the region’s Banking and IT sectors with three days of networking opportunities along with valuable input and insights on the trends and challenges facing the cards and payments sector.

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